The New Age Movement is growing. Its propaganda is receiving ever increasing dissemination. The main part of their message that is attracting the most attention is the promise that a messiah is coming soon to bring in a golden age of peace, plenty and prosperity. It does not make any difference whether you are a Christian, a Buddhist, a Hindu, a Humanist, a Jew or a Moslem, because your Lord is just one of many Masters, and the greatest Master of all, the Christ of all religions, is coming soon. You don’t have to be born again, confess your sins, change your lifestyle–just get in step and help us work to get this message to all the world. Today, there is a much greater degree of discipleship and dedication to service among New Agers than there is among Christians.
Today, in almost every city there are training centers and seminars being conducted for New Age Thinking. Even though some of them may not promote overt occult teachings, the key to their New Age Movement connection is that they want to rearrange your thinking; they want you to discover your inner power; to rid yourself of self-defeating moral codes. Many Christians who have been forewarned have refused to attend these New Age Thinking seminars, even if it meant losing their jobs.
The permeation of New Age occult propaganda continues to increase at all levels–religion, economics, politics and social. Admittedly, the New Age Movement has as much right to establish chapters and communicate its own particular religion as any other religion, including the Catholic or Protestant churches. However, as Christians we have an obligation to reveal to all that the christ the New Agers are proclaiming is not Jesus Christ, but rather the Antichrist.
Excerpted from The Gospel Truth (November 1983). The Southwest Radio Church, P.O. Box 1144, Oklahoma City, OK 73101.
Image: Jesus Christ Claims His Throne by Waiting For The Word, licensed under Creative Commons.
This article originally appeared as a sidebar toEmpty Talk and Slow Transformational Change: On New Age Rhetoric in Utne Reader’s Summer 1984 issue. For more similar, see New Age: What in the Name of God and The New Age Should Disappear.