Video Premiere: Daby Touré – “Oma”

By Utne Reader Staff
Published on September 11, 2015
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Utne Reader is proud to premiere the video for the song “Oma” by international singer-songwriter Daby Touré, which is from his latest album Amonafi.

Singer-songwriter Daby Toure was born in Mauritania and raised in Senegal, but he’s also spent more than half of his life in Paris. It’s this experience of living in two very different cultures that has shaped Touré’s unique approach to life and to making music.

A true melting pot of influences, Touré stays true to his West African roots without becoming pegged as a “traditional” West African musician. Additionally, he’s incorporated a vast array of pop influences into his music ranging from Stevie Wonder to The Police. The end result is a unique international blend that blurs cultural boundaries. His latest album, Amonafi, is another step toward making music that’s accessible to a global audience—not just those in Africa or Europe. “Of course I carry Africa inside me; I sing in languages of West Africa: Fulani, Soninki, Wolof,” says Touré. “But with this new album, I approach what I like most: soul, pop— music we can sing beyond borders.”

One such example of Touré’s desire to bridge gaps is the song “Oma,” from the new album. As he explains what the song is about, “One day as I was walking down the street, I passed a woman and her children. She was alone, sitting on the ground, and asking for charity and nobody seemed to care. This woman spoke to me that day. She inspired this song. “Oma” is this mother’s cry.”

Here’s the video premiere of “Oma” from Amonafi, out September 18 on Cumbancha.

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