Writing Like Philip Glass Plays

By  by Keith Goetzman
Published on February 18, 2009
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Certain clichés are nearly inevitable when writing about composer Philip Glass. He’s a master of minimalism. He knows when not to play. Postmodern, repetitive, ambient, genius: Choose your adjectives from the well-worn menu.

In previewing a Napa, California, performance by Glass, Gabe Meline at the North Bay Bohemian avoids the peril of a rote profile by writing about a 2007 Philip Glass concert in a style that takes inspiration directly from the composer. A snippet of Meline’s article:

“Sold-out house hangs. On every word. Small man is dry, is plain. Music is anything but. Plain, yes, on the surface, like glass. Dry, hardly. Like a storm. ‘Metamorphosis.’ Right hand goes tinkle tinkle tinkle tinkle tink, tinkle tinkle tinkle tinkle tink, hush hush hush and pouuuuuuuuuur.”

Image courtesy of Philipglass.com.


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