Action Alert: Contact NBC and CNN to Call for
Inclusive Debates,FAIR
George W. Bush recently offered to debate Al Gore three times-on an
NBC ‘Meet the Press’ primetime special (Sept. 12 in D.C.),
on CNN’s ‘Larry King Live’ (Oct. 3 in L.A.), and at an
Anheuser-Busch/Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD)
-sponsored event (Oct. 17 in St. Louis). Polls show most Americans
want candidates such as Ralph Nader included in the upcoming
presidential debates, yet Bush’s proposal, like that of the
bipartisan CPD, would exclude all but the two major parties. A
previous FAIR action alert called on citizens to urge
the Commission on Presidential Debates to include viable
third-party presidential candidates. Now, says the media watchdog
group, media activists and pro-democracy advocates need to speak
out promptly in the wake of Bush’s proposal. — LU
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