Public Citizen, a national nonprofit public interest group founded by Ralph Nader, reacted in no uncertain terms to news of Bush’s nomination of Joseph Kelliher to a seat on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). “Joseph Kelliher is perhaps the worst nominee the president could choose,” said Public Citizen president Joan Claybrook. Prior to his nomination, Kelliher served as a top adviser to the Cheney energy task force. His accomplishments include helping to fulfill Enron’s “dream list,” sidling up to the energy industry for advice that was then passed on to the president and eventually made into law, and passing on recommendations from the oil and gas industry to the White House. If Kelliher’s past is any indication of his future, Public Citizen’s concern that he might not be the best man to protect consumers from such threats as Enron-style price gouging and market manipulation packs some punch.
–Heather Dewar
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