Got Solar?

By Special Report and Greenpeace
Published on November 14, 2007

“Aluminum foil is expensive.” “Yeah, and it doesn’t work anyway!” Last spring, on one of those glorious afternoons somewhere between the slushy remains of winter and the hopeful warmth of an approaching summer sun, I walked passed two of my neighbor’s kids in a deep discussion. “We’re trying to build a solar-powered scooter!” Speckled in mud and youthful optimism, they sat surrounded by Reynolds foil looking up at me for an answer. Now, thanks to the ecologically intrepid folks at Greenpeace, I’ve got the answer! Last November, Greenpeace released a new study on solar energy use in the United States called “Solar Promise.” With the accompanying Web site, anyone looking to go solar now has the tools to utilize this efficient, responsible energy source. Want to find out if your state or county offers tax breaks to help pay for those rooftop solar panels you’ve always wanted to install? Just click on your state on the U.S. map, and voilá, the site will give you an up-to-date list of every federal, state, and local alternative energy tax incentive program available to you.
Jessi Misslin

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