The Creativity Pool

By Rebecca Wienbar
Published on November 13, 2007

The Creativity Pool, Web site review by Rebecca Weinbar
Wouldn’t it be nice if there were window screens that acted as air filters? Or something that could be added to a flat liter of pop to add fuzz back in? Or if there was a restaurant that catered to singles with children? These innovations and inventions (and many, many more) can be found on the Creativity Pool, a global database of original ideas. It functions like the penny jars by cash registers: If you’ve got an idea, you can submit it to the Web site (and be rewarded if someone else uses your idea), and if you’re looking for a solution, you can browse the pool by category, or comment on others’ ideas. The goal of the site is the “realization of ideas,” a call to stop wasting our collective creativity and collect all the unused ideas ordinary folks think of every day.
–Rebecca Wienbar
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