Women Make a Difference

By Staff Global Fund For Women
Published on November 1, 2005

The Global Fund for Women works for a just, compassionate, and
democratic world in which women and men participate equally in all
aspects of society. The group funds projects run by women that
support this vision. The groups doing ‘women’s work’ highlighted
here are all supported by the Global Fund (1375 Sutter St., Suite
400, San Francisco, CA 94109; 415/202-7640);

Women’s reality
Every minute, a woman dies from complications related to pregnancy
and childbirth — that’s more than 500,000 deaths every year
worldwide — and 99 percent of these deaths are in the developing
world, according to the World Health Organization.

Women’s work
Asesoria Capacitacion y Asistencia en Salud (Health Training and
Support Association) in Chiapas, Mexico, addresses domestic
violence, poverty, and other social causes of maternal

Women’s reality
Of the world’s 1.3 billion absolute poor (those living on less than
$1 a day), 70 percent are women.

Women’s work
SIN-DO, a women’s organization in Benin, helps poor women achieve
economic independence by providing business training and small
loans for income-generating projects.

Women’s reality
A 100-country study found that advancing equality and educating
girls promotes democracy.

Women’s work
As Guatemala makes a transition from 36 years of armed conflict,
the Union Nacional de Mujeres Guatemaltecas (National Union of
Guatemalan Women) promotes equal rights, social justice, and
respect for ethnic and cultural diversity by mobilizing women to
advocate for legislative and social change.

Women’s reality
Of the approximately 150 million children deprived of primary
education, 90 million are girls.

Women’s work
The Afghan Institute of Learning has trained more than 500 female
primary school teachers and provides health and education services
to about 350,000 women and girls annually.

Women’s reality
Gender-based violence causes more death and disability among women
in the 15-to-44 age group than cancer, malaria, traffic accidents,
and war combined, according to the Center for Women Policy Studies

Women’s work
In 2004 the Global Fund for Women invested over $866,000 in 82
organizations in 49 countries that work to end violence against
women and build more peaceful communities.

Women’s reality
Deforestation and water contamination increase the time women must
spend seeking wood and clean water, and they increase women’s risk
of waterborne disease.

Women’s work
Many Kenyan girls spend hours every day fetching potable water for
their families rather than going to school. The Groups of Women in
Water and Agricultural Kochieng (GWAKO) builds wells and works to
improve women’s health, protect girls’ right to education, and
boost women’s economic status.

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