World Views of our Election Mess: How
Cartoonists Around the World See Our Electoral Circus,
Slate Magazine
We’ve heard those nasty rumors that the rest of the world is
laughing at us. Well, here’s proof. Slate magazine
has assembled a collection of cartoons from around the world that
poke fun at our presidential. . . ahem. . . ‘situation.’ In a
gleefully gloating tone, the cartoons satirize everything from
democracy to bipartisanship to the U.S.’s bloated self-importance.
In particular, several of the cartoons parody the manual
handcounting to which the U.S., usually a technological powerhouse,
has had to resort. One Mexican cartoon, for example, depicts a
disgruntled Statue of Liberty handcounting ballots on an abacus
while a dismantled computer and monitor burn beside her. Ouch!
–Anjula Razdan
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