Utne Reader Bookshelf: Media

By Staff
Published on February 4, 2015
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Among many government cover-ups and conspiracies explored is the accidental dropping of thermonuclear bombs on North Carolina. Before Hurricane Katrina hit, Lakeview, New Orleans was described as an idyllic neighborhood filled with nice houses and an educated, hard-working community. Inspired by the Slow Food Movement, Peter Laufer advocates for a critical look at the 24-hour news cycle that provides “fast-food-like empty-calories news.”Internet activism—and internet democracy—depend on accessible public meeting spaces online. So why are there so few of them?

After Pablo Escobar’s death, Medellín became even more steeped in the drug trade. Now, cocaine in Colombia has infiltrated every aspect of the culture.Maximum security prison inmates find poetic inspiration with John Wareham’s “Taking Wings” program.U.S. press subsidies have greatly diminished in the past century as more democratic nations continue to fund free press at a much higher per capita rate.
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