Garden Variety

By Sarah Zobel and From Spirituality & Health
Published on June 18, 2010

Sensory gardens can be found all over the world–at children’s museums, within botanical gardens, at zoos, at long-term care facilities, and as stand-alones in communities.

Garden of the Senses

Henry Doorly Zoo, Omaha, Nebraska

The garden has more than 250 kinds of herbs, perennials, and trees, along with “blankets of roses and flowers,” and is designed to ignite all five senses.

Central Park Gardens

Davis, California

This sensory garden is a collaboration between community volunteers and the city. The Central Park Gardens offer many classes and ways to get involved.

Tucsawilla Preserve Sensory Garden

Museum of Arts and Sciences,
Daytona Beach, Florida

This sensory garden, at the entrance to a 90-acre nature preserve, has a butterfly and hummingbird garden and an area for native wildflowers and herbs.

Lerner Garden of the Five Senses

Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens, Boothbay, Maine

This one-acre sensory garden includes a labyrinth and reflexology walking area, as well as an area devoted to the sense of taste.

Sally Stone Sensory Garden

Botanica, Wichita, Kansas

This new sensory garden has planting bays where wheelchair users can work with plants, as well as displays that show techniques and tools for gardeners with special needs.

William T. Bacon Sensory Garden

Chicago Botanic Garden, Chicago

In the entry garden, a large sycamore tree is surrounded by plants chosen for their fragrance and colors. Visitors can stroll next to raised beds or walk through birch trees and wildflowers.

Sarah Zobel, a writer who focuses on health and wellness, lives in northern Vermont with her husband and two sons. Reprinted from Spirituality & Health(March-April 2010), a bimonthly that offers resources for the spiritual

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