Bring Me the Head of a Millennial

By  by Bennett Gordon
Published on May 21, 2008

<p>The Millennial generation–people born between 1982 and 2002–are a bunch of spoiled, materialistic whiners, if you listen to <a title=”Robert Lanham writing for <I>Radar</I>” href=”” target=”_blank”>Robert Lanham writing for <i>Radar</i>
</a>. They’ve been coddled their entire lives by their baby boomer parents, and now contribute little more to society than Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter accounts (all being updated as we speak). Lanham’s generation, Generation X, is a more cynical, culturally rich group who is seeing its rightful place in the workforce stripped from them by a conspiracy of the boomers and their over-privileged, self-important kids.</p>
<p>For more on Millennials in the workplace, read <a href=””>Kid in the Corner Office</a> from the November/December issue of <i>Utne Reader</i>.</p>
<p>And for a takedown of the boomers, read Joe Hart’s <a href=””>Tangled Up in ME</a> from the September/October issue.</p>

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