When the GOP launched it’s new website, complete with a walking and talking Michael Steele, Daniel Sinker, a developer and journalism professor in Chicago had a vision: “The moment that Michael Steele walked across the screen,” Sinker says, “I immediately knew I wanted him to walk around the entire internet.”
In an interview conducted via Google Chat, here’s what Sinker had to say about the GOP’s attempt to reach out to its tech-literate grassroots believers:
“What the Republican National Committee debuted today is slick, but it’s years behind the times, hopelessly tone-deaf, and amazingly patronizing. Of course they should be interacting with communities of interest around the web. That’s a given nowadays. Of course you should build a platform and try to get developers to build on your system. But, as far as I can tell there is no API and, as my friend Paul Davis has correctly pointed out, what self-respecting Republican coder is going to dedicate her time? Those are billable hours!”
Tiny Michael Steele isn’t the only trick Sinker has up his sleeve. I’m hooked on CellStories , and if you love great writing you will be too.