Fall 2015 Utne Reader Table of Contents

By Staff
Published on September 16, 2015
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Table of Contents: Fall 2015

Out of View, Vol. 1


The Ghosts of Tokyo
A glimpse of Tokyo’s homeless men and the efforts to keep them hidden by Jacob Lynagh, excerpted from Arena

Rigged System
Women truck drivers are paving their own way through an often-hostile industry by Roxanna Asgarian, from Bitch

Down in the Hole
Hanging out with the disgruntled guys who babysit our aging nuclear missiles—and hate every second of it by Josh Harkinson, from Mother Jones

Extinction Strategies

Preparing for a Beautiful End
How to live—and die—in a society that may soon begin to collapse by Joshua Neufeld, from Geez

The Witness
Opening our eyes to the nature of this earth by Paul Kingsnorth, from Tricycle

10 Billion Years from Now
A hypothetical peek at the future of Earth and its intelligent species by John Michael Greer, from Adbusters

Emerging Ideas


The Problem with the Immigration Problem
What’s behind the belief that immigrant’s harm our society? by Elliott Young, from Oregon Humanities

The American Are Coming
 American prosperity is already stratifying wealth and littering the streets of Cuba by Sarah Hill, from Boston Review

Plastic Possibilities
Adidas hopes to clean up the ocean one step at a time by Kevin Mataraci, special toUtne Reader

A Small Town’s National Problem
Gas power plant controversial in New York could repeat itself all over the country by Jessica  Cohen, special toUtne Reader

Clearing Skies
A journalist who fled China’s air pollution looks back and sees rays of hope by Adam Minter, from Sierra



Twenty Hours and Ten Minutes of Therapy
Reflections at 50 on being young, scared, and coming out by Allison Green, from The Gettysburg Review

Almost Unendurable Beauty
Disregarding the hope for normalcy in order to embrace the twice exceptional by Jocelyn Evie, from The Sun

Mindful Living

Glimpsing the Wild Within
Coming to grips with the sacred violence of eating by Lindsey Hagamen, from Communities

True Believer
How do you know when you’ve crossed the line from activist to fanatic? by Jane Ganahl, from Spirituality and Health

Mixed Media

The Politics of Crime
Crime novels represent South Africa;s new socially-conscious genre by J.L. Powers, from World Literature Today

From a Tree to a Web
Perhaps taking its cues from nature, the art world is becoming less hierarchical; critics should take heed by William Warmus, from American Craft

Editor’s Note
by Christian Williams 

by Eric Utne

In-depth coverage of eye-opening issues that affect your life.