Spring 2016 Utne Reader Table of Contents

By Staff
Published on March 14, 2016
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Table of Contents: Spring 2016

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Black in America


The Battle of and for the Black Face Boy
by Nikky Finney, from Oxford American

Will Racism Ever End, Will I Ever Stop Being a Nigger?
A commentary on being Black in post-Obama America
by Kevin Powell, special to Utne Reader

Knowing How to Take a Stand

Defusing the Politics of Anger
Productive activism starts with learning how to listen
by Nick Licata, excerpted from Becoming a Citizen Activist

Remembering How to Break the Rules
Being ready for the time when a rule is laid down that you cannot abide
by Raj Patel, from Justice Rising

Finding Peace

My Intentional Community and the Law
A guide to coexisting with authority in order to live on your own terms
by Peter Moore, from Communities

A Quiet Subversion
With the right frame of mind you can find peace anywhere, anytime
by Leath Tonino, from Tricycle

Small Happiness
Finding happiness couldn’t be more simple
by Sparrow, from The Sun

Emerging Ideas


Bee-Ware of Neonics
While the EPA drags its feet on regulating pesticides, local communities take action
by Nicole Rivard, from Action Line

Building with Culture in Mind
Adaptable floor plans aim to please the growing number of multicultural homebuyers
by Fernando Pagés Ruiz, from Shleterforce

The Second Racial Wealth Gap
White millennials can often rely on their parents for financial assistance. For many black and Hispanic millennials, it’s the other way around
by Mel Jones, fromWashington Monthly

American Primitive
Why our Stone Age brain struggles with the complexities of modern politics
by Chris Moody, fromBookForum



Yours, Not Sitting on a Pumpkin
What can you offer the man who has it all? Trump finds out when he tries to buy Thoreau’s cabin at Walden Pond
by Louis Phillips, from Smithsonian

A Gain
The schoolmarm gets schooled
by Charlie Geer, from The Threepenny Review

Entering and Breaking
How missing children can be simultaneously everywhere and nowhere
by Patrick Madden, from Sublime Physick

Mindful Living

Spring Fever and Black Earth
Accepting an invitation to feel the living spirit of nature
by David Fideler, from Restoring the Soul of the World

Unbound: Religion Runs Free on the Internet
For those on the margins of faith, the internet is exploding notions of what religion can be
by Mary Valle, from CrossCurrents

Great Expectations
A look at the fascinating research into the power of the expectancy effect
by Jessica Cohen, special to Utne Reader

Mixed Media

Why Live?
A Question for 21st-Century Theater
by Jordan Tannahill, from World Literature Today

Salons and Beyond
It’s high time we start having civil, intelligent, face-to-face conversations again
by Stephanie Mills, from the Utne Reader archive

Editor’s Note
by Christian Williams 

by Eric Utne

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