Spring 2017 Utne Reader Table of Contents

By Staff
Published on April 4, 2017
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Table of Contents: Spring 2017

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Drowning the World in Oil
Trump’s carbon-obsessed energy policy and the planetary nightmare to come
by Michael T. Klare, from TomDispatch

Faith on the Front Lines
“What sustains me here on this blockade is not religion but collective action — a faith not in the idea of heaven but in the immediacy of Earth”
by Louise Blum, from Fracture

Nations Rising
Across North America, indigenous people are pushing for a renewable energy future
by Ron Johnson, from Earth Island Journal

Women Mayors Lead the Charge on Climate Change
The world alliance of major-city mayors who believe their cities must take the lead on climate change, with or without their national governments’ help
by Andrea Cooper, special to Utne Reader

Emerging Ideas

Why the GOP Congress Will Stop Trump from Going Too Far
The coming resistance from Republican lawmakers who hate Trump, fear executive overreach — or both
by Daniel Stid, from Washington Monthly

LED Streetlights Are Giving Neighborhoods the Blues
Early adopters of LED street lighting are struggling with glare and light pollution
by Jeff Hecht, fromIEEE Spectrum


La Serenata
Remembering a family restaurant that meant much more to its regulars than a good, Italian dinner
by Floyd Skloot, from Southwest Review

Picture Day
The WEst is inundated with images of refugees. But as Seila Rizvic explores, every wartime snapshot is also a family photo
by Seila Rizvic, from Maisonneuve

To Do the Holding
How to Acknowledging the pain of others can help us heal our own
by Katie Prout, from North American Rreview

Mindful Living

Speak the Truth, But Not to Punish
In a world full of divisive issues, Vietnamese Monks use their order’s principles to build a unified and understanding community
by James Hoggan with Thich Nhat Hanh, excerpted from I’m Right and You’re an Idiot

Seeking Revolution in Science
 Anthropologist Marilyn Schlitz on her search for a new paradigm in consciousness research
by Jessica Cohen, special to Utne Reader

Signs of Intelligent Life
an interview with ecologist Carl Safina, who offers compelling evidence that other animals think and feel
by Sam Mowe, from The Sun

Mixed Media

Earth to Space
A conversation with landscape designer Charles Jencks at his  slightly crazy Crawick Multiverse in Scotland
by Fred A. Bernstein, from Landscape Architecture Magazine

Visions of the Future
Can the genre of visionary fiction be a conduit for organizing and radically re-envisioning a just future?
by Morrigan Phillips, from Briarpatch

Easy is the New Difficult
I want an art where the philosophical questions posed in the work are answered in the experience of the work itself
by Kenneth Goldsmith, special to Utne Reader

Editor’s Note
by Christian Williams 

by Eric Utne

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