New on Utne Reader: June 2019 #1

By The Editors
Published on June 27, 2019
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Drone Fetishism and Shadow Warfare, from No Go World: How Fear is Redrawing Our Maps and Infecting Our Politics by Ruben Andersson 

Arrival Stories of Deported Americans, from Deported Americans: Life After Deportation to Mexico by Beth C. Caldwell

Bridging Colonialism and Climate Change, from The Memory We Could Be: Overcoming Fear to Create Our Ecological Future by Daniel Macmillen Voskoboynik

Five Lessons for Understanding Spiritually Fluid People, from When One Religion Isn’t Enough: The Lives of Spiritually Fluid People by Duane R. Bidwell

Full Awareness of Breathing, from Pause Breathe Smile: Awakening Mindfulness When Mediation is Not Enough by Gary Gach

The Union of Science and Spirituality, from Elegant Simplicity: The Art of Living Well by Satish Kumar


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